After hyperventilating from the release of Carmageddon on iOS, Dave took a couple of deep breaths, sat down and reviewed this much-anticipated game to see if it was worth him reacting like that or not.
Sonic Generations is the latest game in the franchise. Does it live up to it's hype? Will this appeal to fans of the classic games? Dave takes you through his experience with one of the most anticipated Sonic game made.
Dave checks out the film Joysticks, a cult classic 80's shlock film that no gamer should avoid.. or should they avoid? *cue cheap Pac-Man wipe between scenes*
As I'm writing this review for this website, you probably already know that I love retro games. But what you probably don't know is that I work in a comic book store and I also love comics. So when issue #1 of Mega Man came in I can assure you I was stoked!
Written by Mike Towns.
I’ve been playing Video Games for quite a while, nearly two decades in fact. I was first introduced to the medium by my siblings who let me play their Commodore 64 when I was around three years old. My brother had me programming in Basic and even though I couldn’t exactly read or write proficiently I was able to create a little bouncing ball on the screen and I was thoroughly amazed
Ok, here’s the story. There’s this truck. It’s red. On the back of this truck is a giant nuclear freaking warhead. Not a problem I hear you think, it’s on a truck with a driver who is carefully driving it to safety. WRONG! There is no driver! What would be the logical step? Find a way to halt the truck to an easy stop? Helicopter bomb experts onto the warhead to diffuse it? Or hire a demolition team to use a wide array of vehicles to smash apart anything in the trucks way
This one is a bit of an oddity. Manufactured by a German company (from what little I can find out online about it) named Bit Corp. (which sounds like a really cool chiptune artist name if you ask me) is the Black 4 In One cartridge. Why I refer to it as the Black 4 In One cartridge is because years after acquiring that one (I’ve had it since I was about 10 or 12) I managed to acquire an orange one with a different mix of games on it and the same name (which I may review later).
Ah yes.. Mortal Kombat.. one of my all-time favourite 1 on 1 fighting series made.. Hell, depending on which in the series, I tend to like it more than Street Fighter.. Yes there I go, I said it.. Maybe because I’m better at it (it as in Mortal Kombat 2 in particular), than I am at other Street Fighter games from the same era. Oh sure, different control mechanisms involved, but a 1 on 1 fighter is a 1 on 1 fighter…