Mike's video software started rendering audio around 100 times clearer this week so to celebrate he asks the age old question 'What is a man?' in Castlevania: Symphony of the Night, shoots some lasers in the aMAZEing Wizard of Wor and shows his love for the all time classic Bubsy 3D.
In this episode Mike reminisces about the classic Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past, gets unexpectedly thirsty during Pepsi Man and fails terrible at being a world leader in Shadow President.
Lo and behold, the Retrospekt Video Game Haiku show is back for another season! In this first episode Mike re-visits Bubble Bobble, jumps in on the classic arcade hit Virtua On and gets very confused by the wacky Japanese shooter Cho Aniki.
The Games and Consoles are falling from the sky and landing right into Wood and Chris's hands in this Chapter of The Game Quest!
Uncommon Games, Rare Items, Boxed Stuff even a Rare Console!
Merry Christmas from all the crew at The Game Quest :) This episode they go out to Gawler Goolwa to take a punt at a market and score a great bundle of Game Boy Colour units and games!