Source: Bunny Love
Thanks to Sam W for the submission of this picture. Wow this is a gorgeous shower getup, is that pixel art from Donkey Kong 2 or Junior?!?
Have any of you ever read the book The Great Gatsby? Well it’s been made into a NES game, but never seen the day of release.. Fret not! delivers! Play it online, check the history around it’s potential (but never to have been official) release.
Here’s an interesting website, with a slew of Joysticks/Controllers on the homepage with information on each controller. As well as that, the peripherals are connected to clocks! Either way have a suss, quite interesting!
And finally, 8-bit dating! The struggle of finding true love (for many people in this world believe it or not), but treated as a video game.. Is it like a video game? Either way, a pretty funny perspective on dating.
Bit of some website news: for the next few weeks we’re going to trial moving the daily blogs to WEEKLY, so we can cram more in, but with less less frequent bursts! This will give us a chance/encouragement to push more content like reviews, articles and other submissions from more people as well :)