Yesterday an interview that Marcus did, with Brandon Williamson, creator of Forget-Me-Not was posted on the site. A sweet iOS homage to a mixture of elements from Pac-Man, and NetHack. Alrighty, onto today’s post!




Source: DeviantArt user mariobros123

Well, even if this isn’t an official Groening piece, this is still pretty awesome! Great homage to Donkey Kong right there :D


Amazing, you’ve played the likes of Action Fighter on the Master System, or Spyhunter on the NES and other platforms right? How about some overhead racing games on say the Atari consoles, or video arcades? Right? Well how about on a dot matrix printer? Enter Receipt Racer, combining lasers, ps3 controller, and a dot matrix printer. More detailed technical bibs and bobs on the development page HERE.


Comrades, if you’re in Melbourne, and like Chiptunes? Drop on by to the La Di Da bar, on 8th July. La Di Da is located on 577 Little Bourke Street in the CBD. Doors open at 8PM/$12 entry. For more information, check out the Facebook event. This night features a slew of awesome acts like;

– 10K,

– godinpants

– bankai vs abortifacient

– vicious cyclist

– maddest kings alive

– pselodux

Lots of Australian acts there, so CHECK….IT… OUUUUT!


And finally, here’s an indie game resembling a classic c64/Amiga platformer. More like a 2D Minecraft by the looks of it right? This is Terraria, and it’s available on Steam. There are talks of it in the site’s FAQ regarding it possibly being ported to Xbox 360 and iOS. Gorgeous looking game! If you’re a fan of the old-school platformers with twists in what you do in-game? Yeah this looks like a winner!


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