Woooohooo! The weekend is almost amongst us! There’s just a couple of things I’d like to mention before I continue with today’s post.. Firstly, we have not forgotten about our panels at AVCon, and I’m hoping you guys haven’t either. They HAVE been recorded so that we can share it with you all, however the entire team have been extremely busy as of late. We appreciate your patience and we will get those videos up on the web soon! Secondly, I feel like throwing a competition. Early next week, we’ll have something VERY cool to give away, be sure to check “Dave’s Daily” on Monday or Tuesday. It’s going to be rad :) Alright, lets get on with today’s post;
Source: Flickr user PittPixel
Aaarrgh just short of screen size to set as wallpaper, albeit it’d be a busy desktop :P This is an amazing piece of art, Mario and a NES controller conjured up from the right keywords there.

Image source: Cinemaware.com
Alrighty folks, Manomio has re-released Cinemaware‘s Defender of the Crown yesterday. For those of you who aren’t familiar with this title, it was an absolute classic on the Amiga home computers back in the day. An adventure game set in the medieval times, where you select your character, pillage villages, raid castles, enter tournaments, and much more. I hope to sit down sometime this weekend and give it a good thrashing, and hopefully pump out a review for you folks. DoTC is a Universal app (meaning it will work on both iPad and iPhone) and the launch price is at AU$2.99 (App Store Link).
Work in an environment where the requirement are ties? Find some of them looking pretty boring? Look no further, as DeviantArt user Maya-Plisetskaya delivers! She makes many different kinds of cool prints on clothing, as well as shoes as you’d see on her page. One in particular that stood out for me funnily enough, is this Prince of Persia tie.
And to end today’s post on a comical note, here’s a news report on video game addictions, and the upcoming (back then) release of the Super Nintendo. I lost my marbles when I saw the F-Zero bit in the video. It has to be one of the hilarious use of a green screen I’ve seen in so long. Alright folks, have a great weekend, and don’t forget. Competition time as of next week! ;D