It’s monday, monday, gotta get down on mon-day.. Or not.. Either way, I hope y’all had a grand weekend, so lets get cracking on today’s post!
Source: Danndesigns
Any of you seen the gratuitous masterpiece thriller Seven? If so, then you would appreciate this bit of artwork :) I wonder what’s inside that box…
Image source: Gamespy
So there’s been some hive of activity lately with news of retro-games coming out on portable phone devices as of late, I mean the first one which will blow everyone’s minds, is that Sonic CD is coming to Android, Windows Phone, iOS, and every other gaming device you can think of (PSN/XBLA, and PC). Late 2011 is the official date from SEGA.
This is apparently the most intense fight of Street Fighter in a tournament in history. Recreated in 8-bit glory. Yeah okay, that is pretty intense, check it out folks, even if you don’t appreciate fighting games, you would have to admit that this looks like one of the closest bouts ever. Here’s the original video.
Speaking of portable devices, here’s some cool iPad cases of characters from the Mario Universe. Like above, there’s of course the red mushroom, but there’s plenty more cases and other bits and pieces on the Nokomomo Etsy page.
And finally, hopefully this gets rid of the Monday blues, the chiptune of the week goes to 5th Channel on the EP Interphase (which is a free download on by Polish ZX Spectrum fan and artist Yerzmyey. No surprise that I’m really digging this tune. This guy makes lots of awesome work, be sure to check it out!