Hope you all overcame the Monday blues at work, school, uni, tafe, whatever. Roll on Tuesday!




Source: Deviant Art User MamaMatrix.

Well, that’s definitely one way of expressing passion for Super Mario Bros., and the NES with it’s Controller.. *scrolls up and looks again* Hah.. nice!!

Ever wondered what Game of Thrones would be like if it was a traditional Japanese RPG game that you’d find on an 8 or 16bit console? Well Collegehumor has conjured up a hilarious (and a bit nsfw) video depicting what that would be like. Naturally, it would be something like Final Fantasy 3 (or 6 depending where you reside). Be warned though, there are spoilers in the video (so if you haven’t seen the show yet, I suggest you don’t look at the video.. but if you have seen the show? Then go nuts!).


Source: Retro Game Australia via EmulatorArt.com.au

Do you happen to live in Brisbane, Australia? Well comrades you’re in luck! There’s an amazing looking event chock-filled with art exhibitions, video games, showcasing of independent games, arcade cabinets with free play as well as challenge nights with competitions roped on to that.

Emulator 2011 will be at the Bleeding Heart Gallery 166 Ann Street, Brisbane. Guys and Gals, this is an event you definitely should go check out, and support, not just because there’s so much on, but Emulator will be raising funds for the Starlight Foundation! For more information, registration, attendance rsvp’ing and more, go to emulatorart.com.au and scope it out folks, looks like an absolute winner!

And finally (wow it’s been a while since I’ve posted something from him, but) there’s a new Angry Video Game Nerd! It’s been a while as he has been busy with working on the AVGN movie, so props to him for pumping this one out. This video is about Psycho Fox, err I mean Kid Kool on the NES.

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