Source: Firebox
Advertise your gaming nerd-dom in style! A welcome door mat with flashing LED Space Invaders. Wipe your feet on it, and they start flashing. Brilliant!!!
Have you guys had a punt of the new Super Smash Land homage yet? It’s what Super Smash Bros. would be like if it were on Game Boy. Well either way the 1st demo came out a couple of months back, now Demo 2 is available, which includes new levels, game modes, and of course, two more characters: Pikachu, and Link (which is fitting thanks to the 25th Anniversary of his, and everyone in Zelda-ville).
Okay so what could be interesting about this artwork? The fact that it’s 8-bit? The fact that it’s on a cute statue of a NES cartridge? Or is it the fact that the artwork was done by Mark Hamill’s Son, Nathan. Very cool, and sparks a bit of history about how Han Solo got the Millennium Falcon.
Talk about a tribute to a retro video games console! This bloke made an amazing video covering the Neo Geo systems. Quite dramatic music as well, but all the necessary for such a behemoth device!
And finally, whilst out and about in the city of Adelaide, Australia last night, Dave K found this bit of art on Peel Street (Not far from the Format Collective Art Space) Apparently there is more stuck around the city of Adelaide (a return of the infamous and ever awesome Commander Keen street-art perhaps?) If you folks come across any more photos, post them to our Facebook page, or email us so we can post’em up for you!